Port Moresby

Port Moresby Towards 2030

‘One City, One People, One Future’

In 2030 Port Moresby is a connected and integrated city. Safe connections are made along well-planned and maintained transport and freight corridors and pedestrian networks that integrate people’s daily lives with a hierarchy of compact Urban Centres that are the focus of suburbs, settlements (to suburbs) and neighbourhoods. Integrated development of housing and employment land uses occurs through sequenced provision of blue-green infrastructure, transport and utilities, open space and developable, zoned land in the right locations. A safe, connected and integrated Port Moresby is achieved via collaboration between all levels of government, non-government organisations, business, residents and the wider Mosby community to deliver integrated land-use, transport and utilities planning that identifies the appropriate locations, staging and sequencing of development.


This Urban Development Plan is a review and update to the previous version which published in 2006. It is structured around three principal vision statements that seek to create:

  • A liveable city by transforming the quality of life of people living in Port Moresby

  • A productive city by shaping the city’s spaces and places for a prosperous economy

  • A sustainable city by planning for sustainable delivery of infrastructure and urban growth




Liveability describes the characteristics of a city that support the wellbeing and resident’s quality of life. The attractions of the city draw people from all over the country, so its people reflect the extraordinary cultural and ethnic diversity of Papua New Guinea. As the national capital and gateway to PNG the city also has a large and diverse expatriate community.

liveable city


Shaping the District for a prosperous economy means prioritising development of land in the right locations for business and industry. Prioritising and staging the development of zoned land is essential so that infrastructure including open space, utilities and transport infrastructure can be provided to service existing and new development.

productive city


Creating capacity for sustainable growth means providing adequate transport and utility infrastructure to existing and planned development while conserving blue-green infrastructure.

sustainable city


In 2030 Port Moresby is a connected and integrated city. Safe connections are made along well-planned and maintained transport and freight corridors and pedestrian networks that integrate people’s daily lives with a hierarchy of compact Urban Centres that are the focus of suburbs, settlements (to suburbs) and neighbourhoods. Integrated development of housing and employment land uses occurs through sequenced provision of blue-green infrastructure, transport and utilities, open space, and developable, zoned land in the right locations. A safe, connected and integrated Port Moresby is achieved via collaboration between all levels of government, non-government organisations, business, residents and the wider Mosbi community to deliver integrated land-use, transport and utilities planning that identifies the appropriate locations, staging and sequencing of development.

master plan

The report is available for download from below



Feel free to leave your feedback and contact details below if you have any comments about the Urban development Plan. Thank you!